Brake Servicing
Your vehicle’s brake system is critical to your safety and the safety of others. They are the first pillar of safety within your vehicle — including your hand brake. We run the following tests amongst others:
Is the brake firm enough?
Is there enough brake pad left to ensure safe braking in an emergency?
Is the brake fluid topped up and are all hoses without leaks?
Our professional car mechanics check all visible and invisible compounds of your brakes, such as brake pressure, brake pads, hose pressure and the pedal
If you notice these less obvious warning signs, your brakes need to be checked as soon as possible:
Brake warning light is on
Car loses some grip when braking
Car pulls to the left or right whenever you brake
Brake pedal is low, hard, soft or spongy
Steering wheel shudders when you brake
Car takes longe to stop than previously
Brakes screech, squeal or make an other unusual sounds